About Us

Third Gear was started in 2010 with one simple goal in mind; provide top quality motorcycle parts and accessories at a competitive price while offering awesome customer service.
It all began when I bought my first motorcycle and I started shopping around for some luggage. I visited numerous retail stores in Melbourne and searched online but didn’t have much luck finding what I wanted at the right price.
After a fair bit of research and many emails to manufacturers I settled on a design that I thought was perfect for my purposes. I ordered 50 motorcycle tank bags and they sold out in the first two weeks. My business was born.
Over the next two years I ran the business part time while slowly building up more inventory from every single dollar of profit. During the day I would go to work and as soon as I got home I would get online and work into the wee hours of the night plugging away on the keyboard or reading business related articles online.
Over the years we expanded the range to over 2000 products and every quarter we are adding more stock to meet the growing demand.
If you have bought from us before – thanks! If not, go on and give us a try as I’m confident you’ll be happy with our products and services.
Adrian Larocque